

1.规格  Specification
1.1 压缩机  Compressor

压缩机型号 Compressor Model 403DHV-64D2
压缩机型式 Compressor Type 变频压缩机 Inverter Controlled Compressor
压缩机方式 Compression Type 涡旋式 Scroll Type
使用冷媒 Refrigerant R22
排气容积 Displacement 64cm3/rev
润滑油 / 油量 Oil / Oil Charge SUNISO 4GDI-HT / 1800ml
涂装 Painting 黑色 Black Color Paint
总质量(含油) Net Mass(Including Oil) 37kg
吸气管接口内径 Suction Accept I.D Ф22.2mm
排气管接口内径 Discharge Accept I.D Ф12.9mm
CCC认证号 CCC Certification No. 2003010704098719
1.2 电机  Motor

变频器电源 Transducer Power 380/415V,3~,50Hz/60Hz
电动机型式 Motor Type 三相感应电机3 Phase Induction Motor
运转频率范围Running Frequency Range 30~90Hz
频率变化Frequency Vary 加速Acceleration Speed 1Hz/s~3Hz/s
减速Decelerate Speed 0.5Hz/s
工作电压范围 Voltage Range 基本V/F特性±10%  Basic V/F±10%
绝缘等级 Insulation Class F级  F Class
绕组阻抗 Winding Resistance(at 20℃) 0.8646±7%Ω
Basic V/F Characteristics
1.3 性能  Performance

制冷能力 Capacity  at 60Hz 14200W
输入功率 Motor Input 4300W
能效比 EER 3.30W/W
运行电流 Running Current 11.5A
噪音 Sound Level ≤60dB(A)
振动 Vibration ≤15 m/s2
※ 制冷能力测试条件 Test condition of cooling capacity:
冷凝温度 Condensing temp.:54.4 ℃           蒸发温度 Evaporating temp.:7.2 ℃
回气温度 Return gas temp.:18.3 ℃           周围温度 Ambient temp.:35.0 ℃
膨胀阀前液体温度 Liquid temp.:46.1℃
1.4 一般特性  Characteristics 

气密试验压力 Leak Tight Pressure 3.0MPa[高压侧 H.P. Side] / 1.5MPa[低压侧L.P. Side]
耐压试验压力Hydrostatic Strength Pressure 4.5MPa[高压侧 H.P. Side] / 2.3MPa[低压侧L.P. Side]
绝缘阻抗 Insulation Resistance 10MΩ Min.
绝缘耐压 Withstand Voltage 1,830V-1min.
残余水分量 Residual Moisture 350mg Max.
含尘量 Residual Impurities 100mg Max.
2. 压缩机配件  Accessories Of Compressor

NO. 名称 Parts Name 数量 Qty 代号 Drawing NO. 备注 Remarks
1 防振胶垫 Rubber Grommet B 4 TP1-102 标准部件
Standard Parts
2 防振胶座 Rubber Grommet A 4 TP1-103
3 温控器挡板 Thermostat Holder 1 TP1-105
4 排气温控器 Discharge Thermostat 1 TP1-106
5 弹性垫圈 Spring Washer 4 GB93-87-6
6 支撑螺柱 Bolt 4 TP1-101 选择部件
Option Parts
7 垫圈 Washer 4 TP1-104
8 M6螺母 M6 Screw Nut 4 GB41-86-M6
9 M8螺母 M8 Screw Nut 4 GB41-86-M8
10 热油器 Crankcase Heater 1 TP1-110
3. 使用条件范围  Operating Conditions

蒸发温度 Evaporating Temp. -15~15℃
排气温度 Discharge Temp. (冷凝温度+15℃)~120℃以下
(Condensing Temp.+15℃)~120℃ Max.
绕组温度 Winding Temp. 120℃以下 Max.
压缩机外壳温度 Shell Temp. 115℃以下 Max.
吸气压力 Suction Pressure 0.1~0.7MPa (起动、除霜等短时间运转除外;Except the short period such as start,defrost)
排气压力 Discharge Pressure 1.1~2.8MPa
压力比 Pressure Ratio 2~7.5 (起动、除霜等短时间运转除外;Except the short period such as start,defrost)
Pressure Difference At Starting
D.P.-S.P. less than 0.30MPa
启停周期 On/Off Period 周期为10分钟以上,停止时间必须3分钟以上
10 minutes min/cycle,OFF should be over 3 minutes
最低油量 Minimum Oil Charge 400ml Min.
Abnormal Press. Rise/Drop
上升:3.0MPa以下  Rise:3.0MPa Max.
下降:0.2MPa以上  Drop:0.2MPa Min.
Copper Piping Stress
启动时:50MPa以下  Start:50MPa Max.
运转时:10MPa以下  Run:10MPa Max.
Refrigerant Moisture Level
60ppm以下 Max.
Solid Impurities Level
100mg以下 Max.
运转倾斜角度 Tilt In Operation 压缩机倾斜最大5°以内  5 deg. Max.
※ 其他注意事项  Remarks:

  1. 制冷系统 The refrigeration system

  The ratio of oil to the refrigerant (oil/refrigerant) should be higher than 0.4 in weight basis.
  When the compressor in the system has the liquid refrigerant flooding back operation,the accumulator is required.
Charge oil or refrigerant from the discharge pipe.
Using high pressure switch in the refrigeration system is required,we advise setting pressure as follow: 2.8±0.1MPa,


  1. 压缩机在去除吸、排气接头盖后,请勿放置10分钟以上;

Installation shall be completed within 10 minutes after removing the caps of suction and discharge tube.

  1. 请勿压缩空气;

Do not compress air.

  1. 在真空状态下请勿通电;

Do not energize under vacuumed condition.

  1. 热泵系统必须在压缩机底部安装油加热器(40~80W,220V);

Crankcase heater is required if the refrigeration system is heat pump.

  1. 运转时,各相间的电压偏差应在额定电压的3%以内;

Voltage (run):Voltage deviation each phase shall be within 3% of the rated voltage.

  1. 请勿反向旋转;

Do not reverse rotate.
The compressor’s ground should be connected with that of refrigeration system permanently and firmly.
Pile limits 2 pallet.Tumbling is forbidden during handling.
4. 附图  Attachment                          
A-1      压缩机外形图  Dimension of Compressor                                
A-2      防振胶座装配图  Mounting Assembly                                                   
A-3      压缩机性能曲线1  Compressor Performance Curve 1               
A-4      压缩机性能曲线2  Compressor Performance Curve 2
A-5      排气温控器组装图及零件图  Discharge Gas Thermostat Assembly Diagram
A-6      热油器安装图  Crankcase Heater Assembly 

福粤制冷想了解更多日立压缩机知识请点如下网站:日立压缩机日立空调压缩机日立变频压缩机日立螺杆压缩机  http://www.hitachizg.com/    http://www.lengku1.com/

